If you already have a NeighborHub Userid ID enter it here. If not, you can create one in the Registration section.
Trouble Shooting
If your email was entered correctly you should have received an email within a few minutes.
Occassionally the server is busy and there is a slight delay. If more than 30 minutes have passed and you did not receive your password email, there most likley is a problem.
Reset and Start Over
To restart enter your User ID in the Login section.
Next, enter the word "reset" in the password field and click on Login.
This will clear your email, User ID and Password. This only works if you have not previously Logged in or Reset your password.
You can now attempt to Register again. Please:
- Hello Guest!
- |
- Log In | Register
Welcome to NeighborHubConnect
Welcome to NeighborHubConnect. If this is the first time you are using NeighborHubConnect, you will need to register your household. This can be done by clicking on the "Log in | Register" tab on the Menu bar. If you are looking to find out more information about NeighborHubConnect, click on the "About Us" and "FAQs" links in the footer section of this page.
We're glad you're here!
Local Businesses
NeighborHubConnect provides an excellent way for Businesses to offer their Products, Specials and Services to the local community. All Business Specials are listed on the Business Specials tab within NeighborHubConnect immediately following the submission of the Special. On the actual day of the Special, an entry will appear on the NeighborHubConnect Home Page. In addition members who have chosen to receive email or text notifications of Business Specials will receive notice of the offer immediately following submission. NeighborHubConnect is not cluttered with "pop-up" or "banner ads", which studies have shown to be ineffective. In addition, surveys have found that many users find these types of adds to be an annoyance.
NeighborHubConnect also offers Local Businesses the opportunity to place a listing in the Business Listings Directory.
To Login to the NeighborHubConnect Local Business Center or to learn more about the opportunities available to Local Businesses through NeighborHubConnect, click on the "Business Users" button.
Get Connected...
It's easy to get connected. If you have already registered click on the "Log In | Register" button on the Menu bar and log in. If your NeighborHub "Join" request has been approved, you will be taken to the NeighborHub Status page where you will have full access to all of NeighborHubConnect's features. There are only three steps required to join a NeighborHub:
2. Select a NeighborHub to Join.
(Or create a NeighborHub if you are the first member of your community to register with NeighborHubConnect.)
3. Obtain approval from Active Hub Members.
(The approval process helps keep unwanted visitors out of your NeighborHub. You can read more about it in the FAQs.)