
"Building strong Communities one NeighborHub at a time"


NeighborHubConnect Business Registration

In order to use the targeted low cost Business Advertising services of NeighborHubConnect you must first be registered.

If your business is not already registered, please take a few minutes to register.

Trouble Shooting

If your email was entered correctly you should have received an email within a few minutes.

Occassionally the server is busy and there is a slight delay. If more than 30 minutes have passed and you did not receive your password email, there most likley is a problem.

Reset and Start Over

To restart enter your User ID in the Login section.

Next, enter the word "reset" in the password field and click on Login.

This will clear your email, User ID and Password. This only works if you have not previously Logged in or Reset your password.

You can now attempt to Register again. Please:


Most registration failures are the result of an invalid email address.

NeighborHubConnect Business Login


Enter your Business Email and Password.

Forgot your Password?

Don't have a Business User ID yet? Create one now!


The email address you enter below will become the email address you will use to access The NeighborHubConnect Business Center.

A valid email address is required. Your password will be emailed to this address. You will need a Valid Email Address and Password to proceed.

Your initial Password is sytem generated. On your initial login you will be asked to change your Password to something you will remember.

  Yes I have read and agree to the "Terms of Use".

  No I do not agree with the "Terms of Use" and choose not to proceed.

Welcome to the NeighborHubConnect Business Center

Providing Web Based Marketing Tools for Local Businesses!


Welcome to the NeighborHubConnect Business Center. If you are new to NeighborHubConnect you will need to register before entering the NeighborHubConnect Business Center. This can be done by clicking on the "Log in | Register" tab on the menu bar. If you are looking for more information about the NeighborHubConnect Business Center, click on the "Information" button below.
You'll be glad you did!


Get Connected...

It's easy to get connected. If you have already registered click on the "Log In | Register" button on the menu bar and log in. If you haven't registered yet, click on the "Log In | Register" button on the menu bar and register. Registration only takes a few minutes. Once Registered you can begin using the NeighborHubConnect Business Center's Advertisement and Listings services.


Local Businesses

NeighborHubConnect provides an excellent way for Local Businesses to reach out to the surrounding community. NeighborHubConnect provides the means for Local Businesses to select just the group of customers and potential customers they would like to reach. What's better is your messages (email or text) go only to members who have requested them. NeighborHubConnect users can go to the "Business Specials" tab to view the "Business Special Calander". NeighborHubConnect is not cluttered with "pop-up" and "banner ads" (which users find to be annoying in addition to being ineffective).
Local Businesses also have the opportunity to place a listing in the Business Listings Directory.